, the Redis command line tool, is a quick shortcut for running the most common operations that require our everyday job. Let's review them in a nutshell:
To open a server session, run the console command:
shell> redis-cli -h <hostname>
The password can be specified in the above command by setting the
-a <password>
argument, but for security reasons it's better to authenticate once in the redis-cli
redis> AUTH [username] password
Again from the console, to check if one ore more keys exist:
redis> EXISTS <key> [<key> ...]
To search keys matching a given pattern:
redis> KEYS <pattern>
To get an entry value given its key:
redis> GET <key>
To delete an entry given its key:
redis> DEL <key>
To quit the
redis> EXIT
Lastly, to access to the
command reference click here.
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